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How to Read More

Sometimes, one gets a sudden urge to read a bunch. You stay up late, completely absorbed in whatever novel you are reading; you read about half of the book before deciding that you should go to bed. The next day, you look at the book — that only a few hours ago you were so enveloped in — and you think: “I don’t want to read this anymore”. So you don’t read anything at all ever again for the next six months, and then the cycle repeats itself: you find a new book to be your temporary obsession, read half of it, and then never touch it again. Soon, you convince yourself that the reason you took  that six month break was because you simply don’t like reading. But in reality, you do like reading! It’s just that your approach to reading doesn’t allow you to fully enjoy it.  These tips and tricks will change that, and finally allow you to read more.

The first thing that you can do to help you read more is to not restrict yourself! Let yourself read more than one book at the same time! The reason that you stop reading is that in your subconscious mind, you are forcing yourself to only read one book. But your mood changes every day! Maybe you don’t always feel like reading that specific book, and that’s ok! It’s totally normal to not want to read the same book every night until you’ve finished it. One of the best things you can do is listen to what you feel like reading and then read what you feel like reading. At any given moment, I will be working through seven or eight books at the same time. Each book is of a completely different genre, so it allows me to keep reading every night, although which book I pore over always changes.

To read more, it’s also important to actually set aside time. A lot of people say that they love to read but simply “don’t have enough time”. A lot of times, it’s one's perception of how they use time that impedes their ability to read. Most people spend an average of 4.8 hours per day on their phone (as reported by BBC and App Annie in 2022). If one simply replaces a half hour of that with reading time, then one can easily add more reading time to your daily schedule. For example, you can opt for reading rather than scrolling if you frequently use public transportation

Finally, another tip that helps one read more is always carrying a book around. You never know when you’ll have some time to kill, and always having a book on you allows you to resort to reading rather than scrolling. 
Well there you have it! Three tips to increase the amount of time you read! As Roald Dahl once said, “So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall.” (Roald Dahl Quotes - Good Reads)