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How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Work Done!

If you’re anything like me, you hate working. You would prefer to just sit and watch TV and YoutTube all day. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. You need to get stuff done. I used to HATE working and getting stuff done. I was also very bad in the time management department of getting stuff done. Time management has never been a forte of mine. I was a very “go with the flow” type person. However, once you reach junior high, you learn that “going with the flow” is the polar opposite of getting stuff done. I have gathered some tips that I use, and that I hope will help you.

It’s Not About TIME management, It’s About ATTENTION Management

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s about what you do with the 24 hours. If you are only watching YouTube for the twelve hours you were awake, it’s not that you didn’t have time to study. It’s that you didn’t have the attention span to do it. You need to find the motivation to do it. Not the time to do it.

Create a Schedule

I find that a schedule holds me responsible for what I need to do. Once it’s on a schedule, it’s written out so it needs to be done. Creating a schedule allows you to decide what needs to be done. You can use the Calendar app on your phone, or you can even buy a planner. When you create your schedule it’s important that you add time to work on something, as well as time for you. “You time” is just as important as time to work on your struggles.

Create a To-Do List

To me, a to-do list is very different from a schedule. A schedule gives you an outline of the day whereas a to-do list is very intricate when it comes to what needs to be done. Create a to-do list the night before, and go through it when you wake up, then add whatever you forgot. When you create your to do list, organize it by

  • School

  • Personal

  • Passions, etc.

Finally, prioritize 3 things. Think to yourself, “If these are the only three things I get done today, will I be happy”.

I hope that you take these tips into account. They are what helped me be more productive and I’m hoping they help you too. Obviously what works for one person, may not work for another, but it’s important to try.