
Opinion: Are the Toronto Raptors Going to Win the NBA Championships?

Opinion: Are the Toronto Raptors Going to Win the NBA Championships?

After winning Monday’s game against the Orlando Magic, the Toronto Raptors have clinched the Atlantic Division title for the second consecutive year, and the sixth time in franchise history. It seems that with 55 wins under their belt (the second best record in the NBA) and an impressive season in all respects, the Raptors are the team to watch. Can they win the championship for the first time in franchise history, or will their seemingly ever-changing roster be their downfall?

As a Raptors fan, I am completely confident in my team. But as a basketball fan, I can see how they could fall apart.

I don’t think anyone has talked about the Raptors this year without bringing up Kawhi Leonard, so let’s start there. To me, the trade of DeRozan and Poeltl for Leonard and Green clearly benefits the Raptors, and I really like how Kawhi has been playing. But I don’t see him stepping it up to the next level like everyone keeps saying he will. I’m not saying that he’s not playing well, I’m just saying I don’t think he’s going to really get into playoff mode. Another thing to mention is all his resting time. It’s understandable to rest a guy from time to time (especially before playoffs) but he’s rarely played in back to back games all season. Can he really be ready to play hard every night when the playoffs roll around?

Next up is Kyle Lowry and his untimely ankle injuries. It’s extremely unfortunate that he was injured so late in the season, because I don’t think he’ll be playing as well as he could be for the playoffs. He’s still an incredible asset to the team, what with his assists, play making abilities, and shooting percentage, but similarly to Kawhi, I think he will plateau and not be able to step his game up.

Now to discuss Jeremy Lin. I don’t see him being a huge influence in the playoffs, seeing as Lowry and Vanvleet will be the primary point guards, but you have to wonder if he was worth the roster spot. I quite like him, and he is very fast which is nice. But he just doesn’t seem to be fitting with the team quite yet. Lin has his moments every few games when he fires a few threes or makes an outstanding pass, but overall it just seems that he’s unsure of himself on the court. But maybe I’m being too critical of Lin? I think it can difficult not to compare his playing to Marc Gasol’s. Gasol has done an outstanding job filling in where JV was and seems to be adapting to the Raptor’s playing style very well.

A problem that rests on the entire team are the turnovers. The numbers have been inconsistent, but when they’re bad, they’re bad. I feel that if the Raptors can clean up the turnovers and continue to be strong defensively, there’s no stopping them come playoff time.

Pascal Siakam slams down a dunkSource: Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports

Pascal Siakam slams down a dunk

Source: Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports

It wouldn’t be fair to write a piece about the Raptors without mentioning Pascal Siakam. He can shoot the three, he’s a great passer, he reads plays well, and he’s got the best true shooting percentage on the team. I have nothing but good things to say about Pascal and I can’t see anyone else getting the most improved player award.

Overall, I think the Raptors are a great team. Danny Green is holding down the three point shots with 45.7% average. Serge is a rebounding machine, although the whole team is pitching in. The roster is full of strong players who compliment each other with individual skills but can also act fluidly in unexpected situations. I am confident that the Toronto Raptors have everything they need to win the championship this year.

Grace Tunski, Victoria Voice Newspaper

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