The Victoria Voice Newspaper

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The Sister Mysteries: Q&A with Matilda Barron

Who inspired you to write this book?

Well when Tyler Enfield came to the school I was like, well, I want to do what he did and write a book.

Who did you base lysa and Lynn off of?

My sister and I.

Where did you get the idea for the name "the flying Eagles"? 

I actually don’t know. its just.. eagles fly free and since if they revealed who they actually where and what they could do they wouldn’t get to be free.

How is Cleopatra involved in the Flying Eagles?

She actually started them!

How did the names Lysa and Lynn come to you?

I don’t know. I was just thinking.

Tell us about Lynn.

Well Lynn is sort of a rebel, very popular, not really good grades, but very pretty

Tell us about Lysa.

Lysa is the one off in the library eating and reading during lunch. She always has A’s in school and is very shy. Over time though with her adventure she loosens up.

Thank you for your time today.