The Victoria Voice Newspaper

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Story of Afua Cooper-Poet and Educator

During Black History month, we reflect on the culture and history of African Americans and Canadians. 

Afua Cooper moved to Canada in December of 1980. She started her career as an educator. Succeeding as a young teacher, she began to perform her poetry at a variety of Toronto’s spoken word spaces such as Strictly Ital, Trojan Horse, and FallOut Shelter. Afua then started to perform with major dub poets like Lillian Allen. 

“Breaking Chains”, was Cooper's first poetry book she had published in 1983.

Not to mention her enrollment at the University of Toronto taking the Women Studies Program and African Cultural Studies.

In 1988, Afua got offered a Fellowship attending The Banff School of Fine Arts. During her Fellowship, Cooper published two more poetry books.

From this point forward, Afua decided to continue her career path in poetry and writing. 

Afua Cooper inspired me to express myself through writing. After learning about her stories and her cultures, I decided to educate myself and help educate other students at Victoria school about Black History Month and why it is so important.

Black History month is a time to remember and remind ourselves about the trauma and racism Black persons had to deal with throughout history. Educating others and ourselves is the start to an improved society.

Keep an eye out for a new article written by me every week

-Isabel Thomas, Grade 9