The Victoria Voice Newspaper

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The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Five, Lysa

I heard the laser before I saw it. A BAM sounded through the place. I thought oh my gosh as i saw the two men fall to the ground. No visible harm was done but the had been knocked unconscious. Lynn looked at me, her laser still smoking. I raised mine, pulled the trigger, heard a BAM and watched as the final man fell to the ground. We stood there with other kids crowding around us. Some saying stuff like “I can’t believe that just happened” and others just staying silent. In a couple minutes lynn quietly asked me “what do we do now?” “ i don’t know”I responded. I pulled out my phone. “Should we call someone?” I asked lynn. “I guess” was the reply I heard. I called the police. I think they eventually came and got him but we were gone. We got away from the place before the police came but we knew we were in big trouble. We popped into the TCS and we went home to get a flashlight, Lysa's debit card, and food. “Where are we going? lynn asked. I didn't reply. We went back onto the TCStrans-city skyliner and this time we only went to a B&B on the outskirts of town. I went inside without a word. Luckily it was the kind that had a pool and restaurant included so we actually had something to do. “I only have enough money to let us stay here 2 nights. In that time we have to find out a way to find food, get supplies and find out what happened to mom and dad.” Lynn looked so surprised to hear me talk after this long, she didn't actually look like she took in what I said. “What?” she said. “You heard what I said. We have to get food, supplies and find out what happened to mom and dad. Now let's get to our room.” we went up to our room. I had got us adjoining rooms so we each had our own. I plopped on the bed without a second thought. When I woke up I shrieked. Surprisingly I didn't hear anybody even stir. There was a face inch from mine. It looked oddly familiar. I shut my eyes. When I opened them the weird face was gone from my face but still pacing around the room. “W-w-who are yy-you?” I asked, stuttering really badly like I always do when I am scared or nervous. “That does not matter. What you really need to do is to begin your training.” I realized that the person pacing the room was a woman, looking around at my room. “I am Zia,” Zia said “it does not matter what my last name is. What you really need to know is who you actually are and start to control your magic.”. “My what!?” I shrieked. “Didn't anyone ever tell you?”. she said looking mystified. “Maybe I should get lynn,” I said quickly. “No!” she said with such force I was so surprised “she must stay unknowing until she is ready.”. “Ready for what?” I said. “You ask too much,” she said in a disdainful voice.

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper