The Victoria Voice Newspaper

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The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Seven, Lysa

I just stood there. After hearing Zia's story my whole word has been turned upside down. Lynn grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the TCS. I started to struggle but I ceased almost immediately; I was too tired. I got into the back of the pod and switched on my tv, closed the curtains around me and tried to go to sleep. But I couldn't. My dreams were peppered with the idea of what Zia had said; was it real? Or was she lying?

Before i knew it we were there. I didn't get very much sleep on the ride so i went to my room without actually taking in how beautiful the place was I woke up to the sound of rain and thunder and Lynn saying “wake up! Lysa wake up now!” i slowly woke up from my dreams of mom and dad and... well never mind. So i got up and got dressed and followed Lynn down to the breakfast room. We sat down and began to choose food from the many plates set out in front of us. Lynn took a lot of everything; i only took bacon and chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and blueberries, my fav! “ oh, and BTW, Zia told us to be in the training room after breakfast so we have to leave in about 5 minutes.” “what?!” i said in surprise. “You should have told me!” “well i just did so...” “ugh...” I finished my breakfast really fast and i hopped up Lynn hopped up after me. “So where is this... training room?” i asked Lynn. She shrugged. “Oh my gosh...” i said. I was so annoyed! Little sisters, ya know?! So i went and asked someone were the training room is and they said “oh you are the trainees! Zia is waiting for you in the library.” he gave us instructions to go to the library. We got there right on time. “So.” Zia got right down to business. “There are five types of witches; yes this group is made up only of girls (there is one boy exception). The types are: divinator, healer, fighter, summoners and black mages. We have to find out which one you are” she noticed Lynn's worried face. “No, i don't think you will be a black mage.” Lynn’s face relaxed. “So... how do we find out what type we are?” “you have to take a little quiz and perform 5 pieces of magic. The magic that you can do best is your type. Ok here we go.”

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper