Good News! 2019's Been Full of it

2019 hasn’t treated us all too well, and the news has done nothing to lighten the load. So rather than a peek in your news feed depressing you like it has been for what feels like the entire year; here’s the twenty-point highlight reel to enter 2020 with.

China Continues Detaining Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang

For five years, China has been detaining Uighur (Turkish-speaking Muslims) people in multiple camps across the Xinjiang region. It’s estimated that over 1 million Uighur people have been imprisoned already. But why have we heard so little about this? Why is China doing it? And how are they getting away with it? Read more to find out.

Climate Change; What Can You Do?

The climate is changing, and it’s changing fast. In reference to my last article (you can find the link below), not only are we shifting fast, but we seem to be doing so faster than we thought. So if you’re ever stuck on what to do, feeling guilty, here’s some suggestions.

Climate Change: Predictions vs. Reality

In 2007, the IPCC produced a series of predictions relating to what our world we be like with a changed climate. Most of these predictions had to do with the year 2020. Now, 10 weeks to 2020 is a dive into what we thought would happen, versus what did.