
Alumna Interview: Mahalia Jamerson

Alumna Interview: Mahalia Jamerson

What sort of artistic projects do you do?

I have done multiple projects with different medias. I do a journaling project called The Almost Unfamous Yearbook (which you can check out on my Instagram.) That was my very first personal, creative project I've ever put my mind to. It was a trial run of what I could produce and it introduced to me how freeing it is to give yourself space to create without judgement. It was a really good way to begin my creative process as an artist. I now use film as well to help give myself space to create. I like to film memories, events, nature and edit it all together. I have been wanting to create theatre based projects for fun and for friends, but that will begin once it's actually safe to see them. 


What is your favourite part of the artistic process? 

Collaboration! I absolutely love when I get to use others perspectives, and wisdom to give insight on my own projects. I love getting others involved because the support is always so helpful. I acknowledge that everyone perceives art differently, and due to the various backgrounds of my friends, I can use their experiences to help my art grow or adapt. I think it's a lot more fun to have others working on a project with you, than working alone. Although, I do appreciate the drive working alone gives you. 


What inspired your recent project "The Almost Unfamous Catalogue?"  

Watch Mahalia's project, The Almost Unfamous Catalogue

I have always admired and appreciated how individualism and self expression works together. I've noticed how a lot of people I know have this privilege of being able express themselves through image. At the beginning, I wanted to create a space for people in my own life to appreciate their own artistic expressions. I came up with an idea of a fashion show where the theme is "Be yourself." In a middle of pandemic, this doesn't seem too realistic. I needed an alternative, and since I already had a passion with filming others, I knew where to turn. I created a filmed catalogue which turned an event of self appreciation into a space to inspire others to feel comfortable putting energy into expressing themselves. A catalogue of different sizes, races, and identities of people mixed with different aesthetics seemed like a perfect way to go about this. I have begun the creative process of the second catalogue, and am very excited to start the film process once it's safe to. 


How did you first get into the arts?

Growing up, I was surrounded by performing arts. My mother was the lead of a popular gospel group. Her singing genes were passed onto her kids, so I've always been surrounded by music. When my older sister was looking for a jr high, she decided to move to Vic. I decided to move with her, and that's when all forms of art began to fill my life. It wasn't until I came to Victoria that I realized my own passions for performing arts and visual arts. 


What advice do you have for young black artists in our city?

I want every black artist in our city to know that you are filled with very special potential. You have so much unseen talent within you and it’s up to you to share it.

It's easy for us to go unrecognized. We can do as much work as we can, raise our voices as loud as we can and still be unheard. I want every black artist in our city to know that you are filled with very special potential. You have so much unseen talent within you and it's up to you to share it. I know sometimes it feels like no one wants to acknowledge it, but as soon as you give your potential and talent the love and admiration it deserves, others will too. Also, if anyone needs any help with starting projects, wants support, wants an outside view and would appreciate a little help, my direct messages are always open, and I am always up for collaboration. I will always make space for you.

Keep your eyes out for The Almost Unfamous Catalogue vol. 2 by following my main Instagram or my film account.

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