
Take 5 Theatre Festival

Take 5 Theatre Festival

The Take 5 theatre festival is a collection of high school student-written plays being produced, designed and performed by more students. Liam Witte, producer and playwright, and Arthur Traynor, producer and designer, are two eleventh grade students at Victoria School and the masterminds behind Take 5. The idea was born of both of them wishing to expand their portfolio but has, and continues, to expand across a larger student body. 

Over the course of early 2021, 4-6 plays will be chosen, assigned a director, casted and rehearsed. The festival is set to go up in August of 2021 with completely safe measures depending on the state of the pandemic at that time. 

As I mentioned before, the entire event is created and coordinated by students. Fortunately for students now, there’s still positions available! There’s set to be up to six plays produced, with Witte’s script already underway, five lucky students have the chance to have their work accepted. As of now, Traynor is the only designer and likely won’t be able to take that entire job on his lonesome, thus he’s looking for up to two more partners to get in on the action.  Actors are likely to be the most needed as there’s up to six shows to cast; additionally, each show will need a director. On their website, Witte and Traynor refer to only actors as clowns but, aren’t we all? So, you might as well be a clown in this circus.

For more information on how to get involved or just about the Take 5 theatre festival in general, visit their website at or Instagram @take5fest.

Poster Design by Danny Domahidi (Instagram: @zyphn)

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