
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Eleven, Lysa

After we had finished with the witches we ran out of there. “What kind of thing was that?!” I shrieked. I sat down, gasping for breath. you know, magic is tiring! Zia and Conner were waiting for us inside the pod. We climbed in and sat next to them. “ congrats!” Said Conner “you have passed the first test!” “What do you mean first?!” Lynn said, enthusiastically. Apparently magic didn’t tire her as much as it did to me. “And what do you mean test?!” I yelled. “We had done all that for nothing?!” “Not for nothing, it was training!” Ugh. I was already tired enough! “ how much more of these ‘tests’ are we going to have to do?” I asked wearily. “ oh around 3 more!” Zia answered almost cheerfully.  Ugh. We got back to the base and had dinner(yes that took the whole day!). Then I went up to my room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. That night I had a weirder dream than the night before. I dreamt I was falling. Then a giant owl took hold of me and flew me off into the distance. The bird entered a cave and dropped me there. There were five men surrounding a campfire. I gasped. One of them looked like dad! Of course, I only had pictures of them and they disappeared when I was young so I don’t remember. The man who looked like my dad was bound and gagged! “Tell us where they are!” One of the taller ones yelled. “I don’t know!” The man replied sounding scared. “but don’t harm them!” Wait a second… does he mean me and Lynn? Just then the dream ended. I woke up, shaking. “I have to tell Lynn about this!” I muttered to myself.

Also guys I have a website! Its please go check it out because its a super fun website! thanks guys!


S.W.A.A.G. (Student Week At A Glance), April 8-12

S.W.A.A.G. (Student Week At A Glance), April 8-12

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Ten, Lynn