
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Six, Lynn

I didn't hear the first shriek but I sure did hear the second one. It was loud and clear, like a stab to the heart. I sat up bolt right, sweating profusely. I ran to see what was going on. Yep, the shrieks were coming from Lysa alright, but there was another voice. One that I hadn’t heard before. It sounded like a girls voice. I knocked. “Go away, you little...!” shouted the unknown voice. “Don't talk to my sister like that!” Lynn roared. I rushed in. there standing before me was a girl. She looked around 18 and she was very pretty. She had tanned skin and a nice little headband that looked like a crown. She was tall and she had roughly brown hair.

“Lynn? Is that you?” she asked. “Come here. I need to tell you this.” “I told you, No!” the unknown stranger shouted. “I want to know!” I shouted. “Oh Lynn, by the way, this here” Lynn pointed at the stranger, “is Zia” “ugh” Zia stretched her h’s very long so that her ‘ugh’ lasted forever. “Fine. the brat can stay. But only for a little bit, OK?” “Ok. Start,” I said. “Long ago the first witch was born. She was born to 2 non-witches. They lived in Egypt. The witch’s name was Cleopatra VI6 in roman numerals her parents knew about it but they just thought it was something wrong with her brain. As she grew older she realized that she wasn’t the only one that could do things like this so she formed a secret group called the flying eagles. Cleopatra eventually became pharaoh, married and died. But her children lived and married and died and so a long line of pharaohs became and kept coming into a line that we now call 'the blood of the pharaohs’, your parents were part of that line so that means that you are too." "Omg so we are witches too????!!!!" I squealed. I looked over at Lysa but she just sat there. ̈We have to get you to flying eagles ́s training facility ASAP” said Zia.

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Seven, Lysa

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Five, Lysa