


 Currently, I am in the process of trying to find a job. At first I didn’t even know where to start: what job to apply for, what they want from an employee, or what places are even hiring.  These are all questions I had when I first started.

This article will be covering some of the important factors for getting your first job, or even any job in the future: deciding on a job to apply for, how to apply, making a resume or cover letter, and the interview process!


When looking at a job listing, consider what is important to you - what are your priorities? Whether it’s the time schedule, the amount of money or if it is for enjoyment. Despite the obvious financial incentives, try to find a job that will enrich your life or set you on the path to your ideal future.

The Search

There are many ways that you could find open positions for a job, you just need to know where to look! It could be websites like Indeed, flyers, or even your neighbour. Talk to everyone when you are looking for a job. 

Businesses often use websites and flyers to advertise for employees.  There are also many websites where it shows you what jobs are open - such as the Canada Job Bank or the City of Edmonton. Most companies will have a ‘career’ section on their website which shows any open positions.  Additionally, you could always go to the business in person and ask to see if they are currently hiring. During the search, keep your priorities from ‘Brainstorming’ in mind - it is important to check if a job listing is full-time or part-time.

How to Apply 

So you’ve found a few open positions that accommodate your priorities and qualifications, now it's time to apply! When applying for a job you will need a resume and maybe a cover letter (also known as a CV). There are so many ways you could apply for a job, whether in person or online. When applying in person, make sure you have your resume and cover letter on hand. Once you get to the business, ask to speak with the manager and explain to them why you are there. Some benefits of going in person is being able to have a slight edge over other applicants because it shows a strong interest in the job.   

When applying online a lot of the time the website will have a button where it says “apply now” - if it's not there, it could be under “careers”. When you click it, it should show you what positions are open and the location of the business. Once that’s done you will have to answer some questions on the page then there should be a slot where you would be able to insert your resume and cover letter, either as a file link, pdf, or more. Benefits of applying online include being able to apply to more places at once, more quickly.

Building a Cover Letter 

A cover letter or CV is an explanation of why you would be a good fit and why you want the job. 

The first thing you would want to do is research on the company or business you are applying to try to find out things like the company's values. This can help you highlight specific activities you've done in the past that might align with the company’s values. Ex. let's say that the company values teamwork, you could mention your experience working as part of a sports team. Other stuff you should add is experience like past work experience, clubs sports, extracurriculars, and even hobbies like I said above. Try to explain why those experiences will help make you a great fit for that particular job. These things tend to go into a resume but a CV tends to go a bit more in depth. Another thing is to try to share why you want to work there, maybe a story or even what you like about the company.

 You can find many templates and resources for cover letters, such as Google Docs ( I've explained how to find these templates on google docs under “building a Resume”) , and even Canva.  

Building a Resume 

A resume is a document that explains a person's skills and experiences to a potential employer. 

When writing a resume I would recommend using templates 

you can find some resume templates on Google Drive and click new then move the cursor over Google Docs; go to the arrow on the side it will bring up two options (blank option and from a template) click on from template then scroll to resume.

Try to keep it minimalistic and streamlined. A resume is less elaborate than a cover letter, but make sure to list any education/additional courses, as well as past jobs and how you contributed, and your phone number/email.


When going into your interview, be on your best behaviour, be prepared, and be curious. By this I mean, be polite and present yourself well. Do your research to make sure you know what position you are applying for and know even just a little bit about the company. Have answers to common interview questions ready and have a list of your own questions for the interviewer, if there is anything you want to know. Lastly, try to relax and be yourself. :)

Helpful resources 

Finding open jobs:,-ab-jobs.html 

shows what jobs are open in your area and also the pay, whether it's full time, part time, or temporary, and the job details.[]=1 

This website shows the same stuff as indeed, however I think it goes into a bit more detail about the abilities and the tasks required for the job.

More tips: 

Gives resources to students still in school (high school or post- secondary) as well as tips like talking to people,volunteering, going to school career centres, and job fairs. 

This website gives tips and resources such as finding jobs, writing a cover letter, writing a resume, and interview preparation for students still in school.

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Endless Loop