
New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

It is now officially 2020 and with a new year comes new goals and resolutions. You may find yourself wondering how to make effective and attainable resolutions. Here is a five step plan to help you out!

Make a list

Make a list of things you want to improve on, things like self care, school work, or even just being more mindful. Remember, you can always come back to the ones you don't end up picking.

Choose an attainable goal

You should choose long term and short term goals that you know you are able to accomplish in this new year, this will give you a range of things to work on. Have goals that you are motivated to complete. 

Make a plan

Make a plan to accomplish your goals, this will help you decide your time frame for each resolution as well as help you break down the steps to successfully completing your goals. You should also take this time to think about why you chose these goals, this will be good for later reflection.  

Keep a log

Keep a log of how your resolutions are coming along. There is nothing more satisfying than checking off a finished goal. This is also a great way to keep you organized and efficient. 

Modify if needed

If a goal has proven to be too difficult it is okay to try a less challenging version of it. No goal is too small, and it’s worth it to step back and recognize when something is too hard. Don't just give up your goal! You will get more done if you start small and work your way up. 

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