
The Franken-Poem

The Franken-Poem

Hello VicVoicers! Today, we decided to try something a little different: we asked our writers to each come up with a sentence about literally anything. Once all the sentences were received, we would then construct all of the sentences together and create what we like to call a “Franken-Poem”. So without further ado, here is our “Franken-Poem”!

Rainfall pelted down violently, leaving puddles of melancholy on the glistening concrete

The water rippled gently under the moonlight

I am a living contradiction

Come back, be here. Could you hang in there? For just a couple more seconds or maybe until the next full moon

And suddenly, wooly clouds gave way to rolling hills and mountain tufts; parted by loose stone paths

Delicate dewdrops dance like diamonds 

As I sit motionless, the moonlight dances like fireflies in the night



Endless Loop

Endless Loop