
The McDonald's Shamrock Shake: A Review

The McDonald's Shamrock Shake: A Review

Every year since 1970, The McDonald’s Shamrock Shake has been on shelves every March. Being the only time the ice cream machine works, many people have tried the St. Patty shake, and given it mixed reviews. Some people say it tastes like soap, while others swear it's the best thing since sliced bread. Today I bought the green shake, and am going to give you an honest review.


Overall, the shake looks artificial, I mean, what else would you expect from McDonald’s. It honestly looks pretty boring, but my years at Vic have taught me to never judge a book by its cover. A small dollop of whip cream was on my shake, adding to the color scheme.


It's amazing! In my opinion, at least, the mint vanilla flavors go great together. It's creamy, and mine was a perfect consistency for a great milkshake. It went really well with fries too. Its only drawback is that it's extremely sweet, and I almost couldn’t finish it (no matter how much I wanted to).


Coming in at around $4.50 for a medium. It's expensive but not as bad as the other shakes you can get elsewhere that have the same quality or worse. It certainly isn’t a “$5 Shake” I mean who ever heard of a $5 shake? Ok, I’ll stop the references. Overall, it's a great price for a great shake!


Presentation: 3/5  

Taste: 4.8/5 

Cost: 4/5  

Overall: 4/5  

Honestly, this shake is great, just make sure to get small! I personally enjoyed it a lot, and you should at least give it a try quickly since it's limited.

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