
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Four, Lynn

I was scared. I had never seen Lysa like this. She was frantic and scared, only pausing to shout “get food, clothes, a pillow, a blanket, and water and get on your coat and boots and wait.” So I did because what else was there to do? She came back in about five minutes and said “ok let's go” we hopped on the TCS (trans-city skyliner) and Lysa said “ok let's go” we had called our aunt’s work number but she wasn't answering, so we called our uncle and asked where the most likely places that our cousins would be and he said the library or the laser tag place. So we decided that we would walk to the laser tag place since it was on the ground instead of in the air like all the normal buildings, but before we were able to get down to the ground the guys spotted us. “It's those girls who bullied the president's daughter” shouted the tallest. “Get her!”. “Stop! No! We didn't do it!” cried Lysa. she sounded terrified. They didn't listen. They kept coming toward us. “Run” Lysa whispered in my ear. I did. We ran and ran. before we knew it we were at the laser tag place. Our cousins weren’t there but we didn't really notice. We were too worried about the guys chasing us to notice anything except that there were the restricted lasers that hurt people if you tagged them. So I told Lysa “grab one of the restricted lasers!” I know I'm the younger one here but she was just standing there like I don’t know what to do in Lysa's brain so I took charge. “Lynn we are already in enough trouble as it is. We don’t need more!” she hissed at me. “Just do it!” I hissed back at her. She stared me down and gave me a look that said a million words like when we get home you're grounded and I regret this but she did what I told her to because it was the only thing to do. We stood there back to back pointing our laser guns at them. They were closing in on us AIM. SHOOT. SCORE. I repeated over and over again in my head. I also whispered it to Lysa. I opened my eyes. “Aim. shoot. Score.” I said I put my finger on the trigger. A bolt of electricity shot through me. I saw the laser hit two of the three guys and they fell to the ground at my feet.

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Five, Lysa

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Three, Lysa