
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Three, Lysa

“Well, that was...” I said searching for the right word. “Unexpected” finished Lynn. We were both staring at the phone like it was the strangest thing we had ever seen it did have a microphone attached so.... We went down for dinner. Everybody was already there. “What took you so long? We were waiting.” “sorry. I got a phone call and it went... Longer than usual.” I said “who called?” asked my uncle curiously. “Just..a friend” I finished lamely. We ate dinner in silence except for the “goodnight” my aunt gave me and Lynn after dinner. We went back up to our room and went to bed. I'm pretty sure Lynn fell asleep very fast, but I stayed awake for a long time into the night thinking about all the parts of the day and my parents and then around 12:30 I finally went to sleep. When we woke up everyone in the house was gone. Our uncle and auntie were at work but everyone else had disappeared! They didn't go to school because it was Sunday. We didn't go to school because our aunt couldn't afford it. Anyway, we had no idea where our cousins would because they had almost no friends and the ones they had were away. We were scared and alone so we set out to find them.

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Four, Lynn

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Two, Lynn