
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Two, Lynn

“Lynn, come back here!” Lysa's voice sounded urgent and scared. I raced over. “What is it!?” I cried when I reached her. She wordlessly pointed at her computer. I stared. On it was a ginormous poster of me and Lysa with the words wanted, Lysa and Lynn Jones. “We have to go home now,” said Lysa. I nodded. we jumped onto the TCS (trans-city skyliner) and it took us back in 30 seconds. Literally. “That's a new record!” I said. Lysa spent all afternoon on her computer only coming out for dinner. “ what are you doing in there?” I asked at dinnertime. She just shrugged. At bedtime I climbed up to her bed we had loft beds and said: “seriously lys, what are you doing?”. she said in a very excited voice “Because the poster was copied from the internet and posted on someone else's account I did some hacking on my own! and I found out that the dude who posted this, his username is r34p3r!” “so? That still doesn't get us any further to why it's up there” I said pointing at the poster. “ yes I wasn't finished” she said, “ look at this” she pointed at her screen. On it was a video of Lysa and me bullying the president's daughter! “ but we never did that!” I cried out “lys, where did you find this!?” “I just searched up our names and...!” I was amazed. Just then we got a very surprising phone call. It was from the president! We picked up the phone and said “hello?” “Hello.” replied a very rough voice “may I please speak with Lysa and Lynn jones?”. “I am Lysa,” said Lysa. “I am calling because I have seen a video on the internet of you and your sister bullying my daughter!”. “We didn't do it, sir!” I cried out, panicked. “Then why have I seen this video?” asked the president, his voice suspicious “someone framed us!” we said in unison. “That is a very serious matter. I will be asking my daughter about this. Goodbye” he hung up.

-Matilda Barron, The Victoria Voice School Newspaper

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Three, Lysa

The Sister Mysteries - Chapter One, Lynn