
The Sister Mysteries - Chapter Nine, Lysa

I was amazed. FINALLY something I was good at! “But… there is a hint of…” said Zia “of what?” I said. “ well in you,” she said pointing to me, “there is a hint of a summoner.” I stood still and waited for what the hint in Lynn would be. “ and in you” she said, pointing to Lynn “you seem like a divinator” “is that possible to have two types at once?” I asked. Zia nodded. “Lynn, I will be your trainer and lysa, Conner Willis will be your trainer.” “Who’s Conner?” I asked. “Conner is a trainee here. He has been here for many years and I'm sure you will like him.” “oh-okay then?” I followed Zia and she gave me instructions to find conner. I followed instructions and came to a personal library. I knocked and the door asked me a riddle. I stepped back. “You can talk!?” I asked the door. “Well yeah I can,” it asked the riddle again. The riddle was What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?  “Hey, want to see a phoenix? “Wait for a second, you have phoenix's here too??!!” “Nah, you can't be tricked easily.” replied the mirror “ok. I think the answer is… I think it's, hmmm. How about… a jeweler sells watches, a jailer watches cells!” “correct…” I ran through the door and it closed behind me after it yelled, “but we do have phoenicorns!”. I was met with an enormous room full of books! I love books! In the middle of it, there was a person about 15, tall and strong. Ohhh he was so handsome… :D. He turned towards me and said “hello. You are the new trainee?” “yep, that's me! Lysa jones.” “Oh! I've met your parents. Very nice people and very strong magic.” “really? I only know their names!” (if you're wondering they were Zoe and Michael) “So then, let's get started! I hear you are a fighter?” “yep! I replied. “And Zia says I'm a summoner too!” “really… good old Zia! She knows everything.” after that, Conner asked me to show him what I could do so I repeated the two spells and he said “ok that's good!” in a couple of minutes I had learned a new spell: καταστρέφω, for destroy. And then I learned a new one for harm;κανω κακο. “Ok! You are ready for battle!” Conner said. We went to get lynn and Zia and then we hopped in the back of their pod, and we went to what looked like an old abandoned convenience store and Zia told us to wait inside. “Wait, aren’t you coming with us?” I said, very surprised. “Nope!” Conner replied. so we went inside and waited. In around 5 minutes we heard something. The door had swung open but nobody had come in! I looked around. Then I felt something brushing against my shoulder. I looked up slowly and saw…. Three witches. “Oh dang” I muttered under my breath.

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